Are Value Stocks A Preferred Choice For Long-Term Investors?

With growth stocks, the focus is usually on sales growth. This must be sufficiently strong to justify the very high valuations compared to value stocks. A dividend is usually not paid because the entire profit is used for further growth and is therefore not available for distribution. Companies from the tech sector in particular are often growth stocks.

Value stocks are primarily about the current value of the company, rather than future growth. Such companies are predominantly active in old-fashioned industries, such as the automotive industry, and have a proven and lucrative business model that generates high profits.

This profit is often largely distributed to shareholders in the form of a dividend. Company valuations are significantly lower relative to company profits than for growth stocks because less growth is expected.

A value investor looks for and buys stocks in which the intrinsic values ​​contained are worth more than the current valuation on the stock market. The strategy is to wait until the stock market hopefully recognizes the correct value of the stock and then the price increases accordingly.

What Are Value Stocks And Their Characteristics In The Market?

long term investment

Anyone who invests money in the stock market must remain patient and calm because of possible fluctuations in value. Investors with a long-term investment strategy have a promising opportunity to build wealth by purchasing value stocks. The guide explains what value stocks are, how value investing is characterized, and what investors should pay attention to when selecting appropriate stocks.

By definition, security is a value share if the value of the company is valued higher than the price of the share on the stock exchange. So it is an undervalued stock. With value stocks, investors can buy shares in highly valued companies inexpensively.

Despite lower growth compared to growth stocks, value stocks are worthwhile even in times of inflation. In most cases, they pay out higher profits to shareholders through dividends, for example, and thus generate higher returns that can compensate for inflation.

How Can Investors Identify Undervalued Companies For Long-Term Gains?

Investors expect great returns from value stocks over a longer period. Because the shares are undervalued compared to the company’s value, there is a chance that the share price will align with that of the company in the long term and large profits can be realized. 

Investors buy shares in lucrative companies before their value increases. Due to the generally stable and established market structure of companies, higher profits are also possible through dividend yields. This makes value stocks suitable for investing and increasing money in the long term.

There are some strategies for investors who aim to generate long-term income through value stocks to identify undervalued companies and brands at the right time. These strategies are tools such as fundamental analysis, technical analysis, financial statistics, etc., as in other investment models. By analyzing this data, investors identify undervalued companies and manage profitable investment projects.

What Role Does Fundamental Analysis Play In Value Stock Selection?

Value investors can use complex tools and various metrics to identify the specific intrinsic value of a stock. If the share price is no more than ten times the share’s earnings (price-earnings ratio, P/E ratio for short), the share can be a value share. However, these calculations only provide initial guidance.

Value stocks are particularly suitable for investors who already have knowledge of financial topics and who can therefore use various key figures and their prior knowledge to compare share prices with the intrinsic value of a share. Investors should also plan for a long investment period before value stocks increase in value.

For investors with an investment period of between five and ten years, patience can pay off. If the share price aligns with the value of the company, high returns are possible. In addition, investors with value stocks usually benefit from higher dividend yields. However, finding promising value stocks is very complex.

Are There Famous Value Investors And Their Investment Philosophies?


Many successful investors have become famous in the field of value stocks and these investors also have investment philosophies. For example, Benjamin Graham, one of the most popular investors in the field of value stocks, is one of the pioneers of security analysis.

Warren Buffett, a student of this investor, is also one of the names offering the most popular investment philosophies of recent years. Generally, curious investors in the field of finance can learn about the philosophies of these investors and get inspired.

One of the most successful representatives of the investing strategy in value stocks is Warren Buffett. The major American investor became one of the richest people and one of the most successful investors in the world through investments in value investments.

In the past, financial experts identified stocks from BASF, Deutsche Bank, and BMW as examples of value stocks from Germany. Before investors invest their money according to Warren Buffett’s strategy, they should first understand the basics of this type of investing. 

How Can Value Stocks Complement Growth Stocks In A Portfolio?

Value stocks are undervalued stocks with high-profit opportunities. The companies behind the value stocks are already established and have a good market position. To locate these, very comprehensive research into the most important features is necessary. 

These include a good basic economic condition, a good competitive position, secure growth in the future, and a market value below the book value or “intrinsic” value. A key figure analysis is the only way to find out the real value of a company.

This is also the only way to avoid the danger of buying cheap stocks that then do not increase in value. For value investing to be profitable in the end, it must be quality companies.

However, the low valuation must not come about for tangible reasons but rather should be the result of exaggerated market reactions or overreactions from other investors. If you look at a very long period, value stocks have historically delivered a better average return than growth stocks.

However, over the last ten years, growth stocks have significantly outperformed value stocks. Experts disagree about the risk. The current study situation on the question of which category of stocks has the higher risk is mixed and not clear.

Important key figures for value stock investing include:

  • Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio): The ratio between earnings per share for investors to the current share price.
  • Price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio): The ratio between the current book value per share and the current share price
  • Price-to-sales ratio (P/S): The ratio of sales per share to the current share price.

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